Myofascial Cupping

“Rockpods- they really suck ”

Myofascial cupping

Myofascial cupping has been around since the early 19th century and has risen to fame in the last few years with pictures of athletes with big purples circles over their body!

Rockpods (by RockTape) uses the science of tissue gliding, traction and decompression with the use of silicone pods to ease fascia and muscle tissue and treat pain, mobility and movement dysfunctions.

rock back

Myofascial cupping is ideal for

decreasing pain

promoting healing

improving blood flow

improving range of motion

mobilisation and loosening of connective tissues

reducing nerve sensitivity

easing back pain

relieve pain

easing movement

relieving chronic muscular pain

Untitled design 8
rock back

“I had rockpods incorporated into my deep tissue back massage and I feel as though I am ten foot taller"

– George Anderson, Eastleigh  –

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